House Clearance Guide

How to House Clearance Introduction

Moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do. This is especially true if you have a deadline to follow, or need to move quickly due to unforeseen circumstances. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make this process a lot easier on yourself – not least through hiring a professional house clearance company. Here at Andrews Waste, we understand that moving home can be a confusing time: after all, there are so many things that need doing before your new home is ready for occupancy! So let’s take some time out now and talk about what goes into making sure your property has been thoroughly cleaned out before we hand it over to our clients!

What is a House Clearance?

A house clearance is a process of clearing out a house. The house clearance can be done by the owner of the house or by a professional. House clearances are often done when people move or die.

Why Choose a House Clearance Service?

  • You don’t need to worry about finding the time to do it
  • You don’t have to worry about the cost of disposing of the items
  • You don’t have to worry about how you’re going to get rid of all the rubbish

Decluttering & Downsizing

Decluttering and downsizing

There’s a difference between decluttering and downsizing, but both can be extremely beneficial to your life. Decluttering is the process of getting rid of unnecessary items that are taking up space and causing you to feel overwhelmed by clutter. Downsizing is the process of moving into a smaller home or apartment. Both have their advantages, but if you’re going through this process for the first time, it can be hard to know where to begin or what items you should keep or get rid of.

For some people, decluttering feels like an overwhelming task. It’s hard enough just thinking about all of those things that need to be done—packing them up, transporting them somewhere else (either another room in your house or outside), finding someone who will take them off your hands (don’t worry! We’ll help!), etc.—but then there’s also the fact that it’s hard for many people even just thinking about throwing away something they’ve spent money on before! That being said: If you want better quality items for less money later on down the line when we talk about how much house clearance costs later on down this page…then read on my friend!

Eco-Friendly Disposal

At the end of the day, you should always do what’s best for your home and the environment. You’re doing a great service to both when you can recycle and re-use items instead of throwing them away.

If you have unused items in your home that are in good condition, consider donating them to charity or selling them on eBay or Craigslist. Alternatively, if there are specific items that people need to use in everyday life then consider trading them with someone who might be interested (for example a lawnmower for a garden hose).

Moving to a new house is something that can take its toll on anyone, so it’s important that you plan ahead, and give yourself enough time to do the house clearance.

Moving to a new house is something that can take its toll on anyone, so it’s important that you plan ahead, and give yourself enough time to do the house clearance.

The main reason why people decide not to do their own house clearance is because they underestimate how much work will be involved in such a big task. It can also be stressful and time-consuming, as well as costly if you hire professionals to help with some aspects of the job.

There are many things that need doing during this process; from disposing of unwanted items like furniture or appliances, through to clearing out cupboards and getting rid of junk mail from your previous home address (if applicable).


We hope that this guide has given you a better idea of what to expect when it comes to hiring a house clearance service. If you’re still unsure about what kind of company you should choose, we would recommend going with one that offers both full property and waste management services. This way, they will be able to handle any job big or small, while also helping the environment by recycling whatever can be recycled from your belongings.